Axeon Interlocal is a “one of a kind” energy procurement and energy management organization, specifically tailored to address political subdivision customer energy needs. We work with you to comply with purchasing requirements and offer clear advantages that no other Interlocal Cooperative can provide.
By working in collaboration with AI and Acclaim Energy, members are served by the leading energy management firm in Texas. Together, we offer more than 200 years of experience and proven success in reducing costs for political subdivisions, e.g., school districts, municipalities, municipal utility districts, counties, colleges, hospitals, etc. in regulated and deregulated markets. This means members have unprecedented expertise on their side and enables us to provide turnkey navigation through the entire procurement process and guarantee our services will provide you with the best value available. No other Interlocal can match our team’s proven ability, innovative thinking, actionable strategies, and exceptional savings and service.
Step 1 Assessing Your Energy Profile: Understand your facilities, their usage and the overall load profile, along with billing, costs and potential risks.
Step 2 Creating a Custom Strategy: Our approach is never one-size-fits-all, but instead tailored toward your budget and risk tolerance.
Step 3 Suppliers Indicative Pricing: Through our in-depth understanding of Energy Markets throughout ERCOT, we know which suppliers offer the best prices and products. As such, we will request indicative pricing from the market to estimate where the market is settling for your particular load.
Step 4 Finalize Supplier Contract Terms: Narrowing down the supplier list to three to five suppliers will enable us to focus on ensuring apples to apples offers and that you benefit from a highly competitive process.
Step 5 Set-up Plan for Execution Process: The final stages prior to the potential award will involve contract negotiations. We will ensure a hyper-competitive environment up until, and on the day of contract execution and will provide assistance with your board’s information requirements, as well as provide assistance with your necessary internal document evaluations.
Step 6 Evaluate and Award: All of our pre-work makes evaluating and selecting the best value available a simple and easy process, providing suppliers with an ideal situation to compete for your business, ultimately leading to the execution of an agreement with the preferred supplier.
Step 7 Ongoing Service and First Bill Audit/Switch Report: Our service does not stop at the contract execution; rather, we ensure the terms of the contract are met throughout the term of your contract. We also coordinate the onboarding process with the winning supplier, including a switching report if needed. In addition, we will also audit your first invoices to ensure the supplier’s billing meets your desired format and there are no hidden pass-through charges.
Step 8 Continued Market Intelligence: In a volatile and quickly evolving energy complex, we will monitor the market, proposing new strategies when needed to make sure we continuously generate value to improve your bottom line.